Boost your online ranking by reducing the bounce rate

Boost your online ranking by reducing the bounce rate

Bounce rate on websites is one of the main concerns for anyone who is looking to increase their rankings online. Bounce rate is the percentage of people who arrive on a particular website and leave the site after viewing the first page. Bounce rate measures the effectiveness of any website.

Understanding analytics and gathering data on bounce rate is one of the main things one needs to follow to get a deeper insight on what is causing a high bounce rate on the website. Let’s look at a few of the main points that cause a high bounce rate.

  • Your website content is not of high quality
  • Website design is not appealing and eye-catching
  • Not allowing sensible and easy navigations on your website to get to the desired page and having broken links.
  • Difficulty for visitors to locate details easily on the website
  • Not having a clear call to action
  • Unnecessary pop ups on the website
  • Not compatible with the device the visitor is using

After having understood what causes a high bounce rate, let’s look at how one can reduce it.

  • Create an attractive website with useful and valuable information
  • Make sure navigation to different pages on the website is easy
  • Spend time in making sure the information on your website is of good quality
  • Engage with your customers by updating website information often to keep them updated all the time
  • Have the right call to action for each product or service you provide which in turn takes them to the relevant page

Above mentioned are just a few points that can reduce bounce rate and increase conversions on your website.

You can avail services for your website like web designing or development, SEO services, digital marketing, social media marketing and many more.

Contact us via email on or visit Ekavat Limited for more details.



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